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European HPC Summit Week 2018

1. Študenti, ki se udeležijo vsaj ene od treh delavnic (Parallel computing in bioinformatics research, Parallel computing in chemistry and chemical engineering, Big data analysis with RHadoop), so lahko na konferenci vse dneve, s polnim dostopom do okrepčil in kosil. Brezplačno se lahko udeležijo tudi izleta in konferenčne večerje.

2. Za omenjeni dostop dobijo v laboratoriju LECAD UL FS posebno kodo, zato pred registracijo pošljite elektronsko sporočilo na Ga. Maffi vam bo poslala aktivacijsko kodo in podrobna navodila glede registracije.

3. Do 10 tujim študentom bodo poleg brezplačne kotizacije pokrili še potne stroške in stroške bivanja.

Rok za prijavo: 7. maj 2018. Število mest na delavnicah je omejeno.

The European HPC Summit Week 2018 in Ljubljana will gather the main HPC stakeholders in Europe. Similar to previous years, this edition will also offer a wide variety of workshops covering a number of application areas where supercomputers are key, as well as HPC technologies and infrastructures. The European HPC Summit Week also offers a great opportunity to network with all relevant European HPC stakeholders, from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. Please go here to visit the European HPC Summit Week 2018 event page.
PRACEdays18 is the central event of the European HPC Summit Week, and is hosted by PRACE’s Slovenian Member ULFME – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The conference will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering. Please go here to visit the PRACEdays18 event page.
