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PRACE jesenska šola 2013 - Industrijske simulacije na superračunalnikih

Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani je kot koordinator združenja PRACE za Slovenijo -- Partnerstvo za napredno računalništvo v Evropi (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) v zadnjem tednu septembra 2013 organizirala enotedenski tečaj industrijsko naravnanih simulacij z uporabo visokozmogljivih računskih sestavov (HPC). PRACE jesenska šola je komunicirala ter diskutirala prolematiko in perspektive HPC za industrijske aplikacije, ki potrebujejo oceno zmogljivosti in zasnovo izdelkov s poudarkom na področju mehanike struktur (SM), dinamike fluidov (CFD in BIO-CFD) in elektromagnetike (EM).

PRACE združuje vodilne nacionalne centre za superračunalništvo članic Evropske unije in povezanih držav. Z vstopom v povezavo v lanskem letu je Fakulteta za strojništvo UL dobila možnosti širšega sodelovanja na implementacijskih projektih PRACE-3IP v okviru izobraževanj in organi zaciji dogodkov, kot je Jesenska šola industrijsko orientiranih simulacij na superračunalnikih (HPC). Moto jesenske šole je bil prikaz orodij za simulacije, ki jih lahko industrijski uporabniki uporabljajo pri snovanju in optimizaciji izdelkov. Simulacijska orodja, ki so bila prikazana, so že večkrat preizkušena na konkretnih industrijskih problemih. HPC pa v teh primerih prispeva k doseganju relevantnih simulacijskih rezultatov kot tudi k iskanju optimalnih rešitev v danem času. Vse preveč krat se namreč izkaže, da brez HPC lahko obravnavamo le poenosta- vljene »šolske« modele, za »prave« industrijske probleme pa običajno zmanjka človeških in računskih virov. Ta problematika je bila tudi vodilo programskega komiteja, da pokaže uporabnikom iz industrije, kakšne so zmožnosti HPC na področju strojništva in elektrotehnike. S pomočjo povezave PRACE je tako bilo možno povabiti strokovnjake, ki imajo večletne izkušnje s področja simulacij in orodja vsakodnevno uporabljajo ali celo sodelujejo pri njihovem razvoju. Drugo vodilo jesenske šole je bilo, ne samo prikaz orodij za simulacije, ampak pripraviti tečaje z uporabo teh orodij na superračunalniku HPCFS. Tečaji »hands on«, čeprav največkrat prekratki, so najboljši način, da se pridobi hitro razumevanje postopkov, ki so potrebni za simulacije z uporabo HPC. Fakulteta za strojništvo ima večletne izkušnje s programsko opremo ANSYS Multiphysics, ki je tudi poglavitno simulacijsko orodje na HPCFS. Povezava tega sklopa orodij s sorodnimi orodji in rešitvami se je pokazala kot logična orientacija pri izboru za jesensko šolo PRACE, saj so vabljeni predavatelji prinesli s seboj tudi izkušnje, uporabljene na konkretnih industrijskih projektih s to programsko opremo. Poleg tega pa je programski odbor želel prikazati tudi nekatera povsem specializirana in ne dovolj razširjena simulacijska orodja, ki se kažejo kot napredek na področju simulacij s HPC.

Poster session

Ciljna publika jesenske šole so posledično bili uporabniki iz industrije in s tem tudi povezava univerze in slovenske industrije, ki HPC kot orodje še vse premalo uporablja pri svojem razvoju. Čeprav je bila jesenska šola mednarodno naravnana, se je pri sno- vanju programa gledalo tudi na skladnost s potrebami slovenske industrije in prav zaradi tega je bilo vključeno tudi področje elektromagnetike. Skupaj 68 udeležencev, od tega 11 tujih, je v zadnjem tednu septembra tako dobilo dostop do superračunalnika HPCFS, na katerem so lahko tudi praktično preiz- kusili delovanje posameznih pro- gramov. Zaradi širokega spektra in specifičnega interesa udeležencev je bilo mogoče omejene kapacitete računalniških učilnic na FS ustrezno razporediti in omogočiti prav vsem dostop do HPCFS. V primeru razčličnih interesov pa tudi paralelno izvedbo v dveh računalniških učilnicah. Tako so se udeleženci enakomerno porazdelili preko celotnega tedna in večjih težav zaradi omejenih virov ni bilo.

Tečaje na programski opremi ANSYS, optiSLang, AVBP, elsA, RBF-morph je vodilo 11 tujih predavateljev (CADFEM, SimTeC, CERFACS, ONERA, CINECA, rbf-morph, Univerza Rim Tor Vegata, Aveiro in New Brunswick) s področja mehanike struktur (SM), dinamike fluidov (CFD in BIO-CFD) in elektromagnetike (EM [HFSS in Maxwell]). Pred pričetkom šole je bil organiziran tudi osnovni tečaj uporabe HPCFS, na katerem so bile prikazane osnove za uporabo superračunalnika kot tudi splošen pregled s primeri razvoja programov na HPC s programskima modeloma MPI in OpenMP. Da bi bolje povezali udeležence šole, je bila organizirana tudi predstavitev s posterji, na kateri so posamezniki prikazali svoje dosedanje delo v povezavi s simulacijami.

Prof. A. C. M. Sousa je zaključil svoje uvodno predavanje o perspektivah računske dinamike fluidov (CFD) in HPC z ugotovitvijo, da primerjava eksperimentalnih rezultatov in simulacij na nekaterih področjih, kot je npr izgorevanje, še vedno predstavlja velike izzive tako v modeliranju kot v potrebnih računskih zmogljivostih. Praktične izkušnje s področja strukturne mehanike so predstavili predstavniki podjetja CADFEM, ki so tudi vodilni evropski kompetenčni center ANSYS za FEM-analize. 

Na HPCFS je bilo tako demonstrirano orodje OptiSLang v povezavi z ANSYS Workbench, ki omogoča multidisciplinarno optimizacijo, študije občutljivosti in zanesljivosti ter robustno optimizacijo konstrukcij. Prav tu pride zmogljivost HPC do izraza, saj lahko vzporedno obravnavamo več variant rešitev. Uporabniki iz elektroindustrije so preizkusili oddaljeno izračunavanje njihovih visokofrekvenčnih anten, modeliranih v HFSS, in elektromagnetih naprav z Maxwell tako, da so preko vmesnika RSM pošiljali svoje posle na HPCFS. Področje CFD je dokaj široka veja fizike fluidov, zato je bila na šoli obravnavana tudi tematika biotokov in konstruiranje jader, ki so v domeni italijanskega superračunalniškega centra CINECA. Hemodinamika ožilja na tečaju BIO-CFD, ki je bila demonstrirana neposredno iz superračunalniškega centra CINECA v Milanu na HPCFS z oddaljenim namizjem NX.Prav tako smo iz Italije dobili možnost vpogleda v program RBF-Morph, s katerim je možno hitro modificirati mrežo računskega območja, in s tem skrajšati čas in izboljšati mreženje. Ker je »morfanje« mrež aktualna tematika raziskav, z univerzo Tor Vergata iz Rima že sodeluje podjetje Pipistrel iz Ajdovščine. FS pa bo sodelovala v novem projektu MorphLab z eksperimenti na HPCFS. Prav lasten razvoj simulacijskih kod je ključen za obvladovanje ključnih podrobnostih, ki jih ONERA – Le centre français de recherche aérospatiale in CERFACS – European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation vključuje v kodah elsA in AVBP za ključne uporabnike, kot sta Airbus in Safran. Simulacije izgorevanja v turbini smo v razširjenem tečaju lahko preizkusili na kodi elsA. elsAZa splošne namene CFD pa je bil organiziran celodnevni tečaj s programom Fluent, ki ga je predstavilo podjetje SimTec iz Grčije in Slovenije.

Koordinator PRACE za Slovenijo prof. dr. Jožef Duhovnik ocenjuje, da je članstvo v tej povezavi veliko priznanje fakultetnim naporom na področju HPC-računalništva, vendar obenem velik izziv: »Upravičiti moramo zaupanje države in evropskih partnerjev, ne le v razvojnotehnološkem smislu, ampak predvsem tudi s spodbujanjem in omogočanjem uporabe superračunalništva v izobraževanju in industriji. Vendar naloga fakultete, kot nacionalnega partnerja, ni le, da sama uporablja to izjemno orodje, ampak da obenem spodbuja uporabo superračunalništva v industriji, ki na seznamu 500 najzmogljivejših superračunalnikov zavzema več kot polovico HPC-sistemov. PRACE-jeva jesenska šola simulacij je pokazala, da interes slovenske industrije za HPC obstaja! « Drugi pomemben steber delovanja PRACE je spodbujanje dijakov in študentov, da razvijajo kompetence v superračunalniškem okolju. Poleti 2013 je tako FS gostila mlajše podiplomske študente v sklopu mednarodnega projekta izmenjave PRACE Summer of HPC, ki so se pod vodstvom mentorjev FS seznanili z uporabo HPC v znanosti in tehniki. Kot rezultat 8-tedenskega dela pa so nastale privlačne in uporabne vizualizacije. FS si bo še naprej prizadevala nadgrajevati stopnjo znanja in kompetenc s področja HPC in delovala kot povezovalni člen pri širši uporabi HPC-orodij za slovensko industrijo.

Video posnetki predavanj in tečajev, prosojnice, spremni materiali in ostale podrobnosti o o PRACE-jevi jesenski šoli so na spletni strani: Video posnetki s predavanj so na voljo tudi na spletni strani in

Poziv in obvestila udeležencem jesenske šole

Fakulteta za strojništvo, kot koordinator združenja PRACE za Slovenijo, v zadnjem tednu septembra 2013 organizira enotedenski tečaj industrijsko naravnanih simulacij z uporabo visokozmogljivih računskih sestavov (HPC). Tečaje na programski opremi ANSYS, optiSLang, AVBP, elsA, (rbf-morph)™ bo vodilo 11 tujih predavateljev (CADFEM, SimTeC, CERFACS, ONERA, CINECA, rbf-morph, Univerza Rim »Tor Vegata«, Aveiro in New Brunswick) s področja mehanike struktur (SM), dinamike fluidov (CFD in BIO-CFD) in elektromagnetike (EM [HFSS in Maxwell]). Kotizacije ni! Prijave so možne do zapolnitve sedežev.

Tečaj je namenjen industrijskim uporabnikom doma in v tujini. Predvideno število vseh udeležencev je okoli 50. Po dosedanjih izkušnjah pričakujemo vsaj polovico tujih udeležencev. Domači uporabniki ne potrebujejo nastanitve v hotelih. Na posameznih predstavitvah in tečajih se lahko zgodi, da ne bodo polno zasedene. Domači udeleženci naj se prijavijo ter podrobno predstavijo interes udeležbe. Glede na prijavljeni razpored in temeljno zahtevo, da mora vsak udeleženec imeti popoln dostop do superračunalnika, bomo pripravili dinamično planiranje kapacitet, še posebej v delu, kjer bo interes večji. Možne so torej tudi prijave za samo določene tečaje vendar bodo imeli prednost tisti, ki se bodo udeležili vseh predavanj in bodo svoje delo predstavili s posterjem na začetku šole. Obveščanje bo na spletni strani  Za dodatna pojasnila pokličite 01 4771716 ali pošljite elektronsko pošto na

Podrobne informacije in prijave so na spletni strani

Dostopno gradivo: zloženka in poster.

Odgovori na vprašanja:

Splošna predavanja bodo v večji predavalnici, kjer boste lahko tudi kaj vprašali. Praktični del (hands-on) bodo vaje za računalnikom na našem HPC s sledenjem predavatelja. Tudi tam bo čas za diskusijo na koncu. Posterji bodo priložnost za komunikacijo med uzdeleženci in nekaterimi predavatelji, ki bodo že v ponedeljek tam, pa tudi kasneje med pavzami oz kosilom. Se pravi, da bo čas vsaj par dni za diskusijo o problemih pred posterji.
> Pozdravljeni.

Bi mi lahko prosim povedali, kako bodo ta predavanja izgledala? Ali iz podjetja prinesemo konkretne probleme, ki bodo delno predstavljeni na plakatu? Pri prijavi sem se odločil, da ne bom prinesel plakata, vendar sem si po pogovoru z direktorjem premislil. Ali izrišemo del konstrukcije, ki jo potem v v do ločenem formatu prinesemo tja?

Ker niste dobro izpolnili prijave in napisali kej želite biti (samo EM) in ker je na EM že zmanjkalo sedežev, se bomo verjetno, po pregledu naslednji teden, odločili in najverjetneje predlagali, da EM sedita po dva za enim zaslonom ali pa da uporabimo dve manjši predavalnici za HFSS in Maxwell ter hands-on ponovimo. Vseh osebnih računalnikov imamo sicer dovolj, je pa število omejeno z velikostjo učilnice. Vsak udeleženec bo dobil dostop do superračunalnika, za kar potrebujemo podroben pregled in pripravo oz koordinacijo enega samega vira - velikost učilnice in superračunalnika ter "workstation"-ov. Kako bo to potekalo je še v dogovoru med paralelnimi sejami. EM in CFD sta po računski zahtevnosti dokaj različna.


I am interested in Structural Mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics. On Thursday and on Friday I would like to attend lectures that meet my field of interest: CFD: Express Introductory Training in Fluent and RBF: Morph hands on. As I have no experience in ANSYS . I would like to attend all other lectures but I won't need the computer I just want to see everything what ansys can offer.

So you would like to be reserve for ANSYS hands-ons. Mateja will update this in the table. Lectures will be quite new for all as no direct knowledge on special software will be needed. If you will be able to repeat is, of course, up to  you. Please note that some trainings will be fully booked with litte place for additional seats.

Due to large interest in elsA and AVBP by ONERA - Le centre français de recherche aérospatiale and CERFACS - European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation we rescheduled and extended this tutorials (from 3h30' to 5 hours hands-on) by including small turbine case. This means some time changes in Friday's sessions that are now scheduled in sequence. In the morning there will be shorter lectures from CERFACS and then it follows RBF-Morph until lunch. In the afternoon elsA and AVBP hands-on are carried out with breaks at lecturer's discretion. See timetable for details!

Accepted registrants list - status September 20th 2013:

Please note that there is technical limitation on seats arrangements for computing classrooms only in a table below. For general presentations in lecture hall VI/2 there is no such limitation! We will be updating table below in the next weeks until we close registrations. Please notify us if you will not be present at come time so that we can uncheck you and have place for somebody else in computing room. The largest II/5 has 44 seats.

Hands on and lectutes attendande legend:

  • will attend (for sure)  For GREEN we are expecting you to appear.
  • white not confirmed If you are seeing WHITE fields, this means that you need to notify us if want to be present and have seat there (we could not reach you).
  • will not attend (be present) If there are some RED fields marked, then you will not be present that day.
  • in reserve (if seat evailable) Reserve ORANGE means that you can appear and find a seat if available.



  Name Id Institution City Country L e c t u r e s   a t t e n d a n c e
            Monday - 9/23 Tuesday 9/24 Wednesday 9/25 Thursday 9/26 Friday - 9/27
            HPC, CFD, setup, case studies OptiSLANG EM: ANSYS Maxwell and HFSS CFD: Sailing yahts and BIO-CFD Fluent RBF-Morph hands on Multi-block structured code (elsA) and an unstructured code (AVBP) hands on
1 Mr. SEVINC, Koray 1 Ege University - Institute of Solar Energy izmir TURKEY              
2 Mr. GOSAR, Ziga 2 PhD student Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
3 Mr. KOZELJ, Nik 3 Optacore Celje SLOVENIA              
4 Mr. SEC, David 4 Facutly of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
5 Mr. POGACAR, Miha 5 UL FS Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
6 Ms. OSTERMAN, Eneja 6 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
7 Mr. BATIC, Ziga 7 Faculty of mechanical engineering Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
8 Mr. JEKE, Uros 8 Hella Saturnus Slovenija d.o.o. Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
9 Mr. BEYERS, Lesley 9 KU Leuven 3001 Heverlee BELGIUM              
10 Dr. FURLAN, Martin 10 Letrika d.d. Polje 15, SI-5290 ?empeter pri Gorici SLOVENIA              
11 Dr. MENCINGER, Jure 11 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
12 Mr. PECAR, Jure 12 Arctur d.o.o. Nova Gorica SLOVENIA              
13 Mr. ERZEN, David 13 Pipistrel d.o.o., Ajdovscina AJdov??ina SLOVENIA              
14 Mr. ANDREJASIC, Matej 14 Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovscina Ajdov??ina SLOVENIA              
15 Mr. JABBARI, Masoud 15 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark 2800 Kgs. Lyngby DENMARK              
16 Mr. MIKUZ, Blaz 16 Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
17 Dr. KLOPCIC, Beno 17 Indramat elektromotorji d.o.o., Bosch Group ?kofja Loka SLOVENIA              
18 Mr. KELEC, Mirko 18 Indramat elektromotorji d.o.o, Bosch Group ?kofja Loka SLOVENIA              
19 Mrs. POLLAK, Martina 19 Indramat elektromotorji d.o.o. Bosch Group ?kofja Loka SLOVENIA              
20 Ms. SVORCAN, Jelena 22 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade SERBIA              
21 Mr. JISA, Vasile Sergiu Rares 23 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA              
22 Dr. CASONI, Eva 27 Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona SPAIN              
23 Mr. ZAPLETAL, Jan 28 Dept. of Applied Mathematics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Ostrava CZECH REPUBLIC              
24 Mr. PAULUS, Evgenij 31 Kolektor Etra d.o.o. 1231 Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
25 Dr. JAKSIC, Nikola 32 Kolektor Etra Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
26 Mr. JANEZIC, Blaz 34 Kolektor Etra d.o.o. Ivan?na Gorica SLOVENIA              
27 Mr. TARMAN, Peter 36 Kolektor Etra Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
28 Mr. KRALJ, Lernart 37 Kolektor Etra Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
29 Dr. IPEK KUSKU, semran 38 Istanbul medeniyet university ISTANBUL TURKEY              
30 Dr. PEHNEC, Igor 40 FESB -Split Split CROATIA              
31 Mr. IVANCIC, Matic 42 Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
32 Dr. ORBANIC, Henri 45 BSH Hisni aparati d.d. 3331 Nazarje SLOVENIA              
33 Mr. VIDAL DE VENTOS, Daniel 46 Hidria IMP Klima d.o.o Godovi? SLOVENIA              
34 Mr. DRUSANY, Peter 47 Soske Elektrarne Nova Gorica 5000 Nova Gorica SLOVENIA              
35 Mr. KOCJANCIC, Leon 48 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana ?kofije SLOVENIA              
36 Mr. NOZAK, Dejan 49 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
37 Mr. CVETKOVIC, Matevz 50 Free Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
38 Mr. STEFE, Blaz 51 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
39 Dr. JENKO, Marjan 52 Faculty for mechanical engineering ljubljana SLOVENIA              
40 Mr. DOLENC, Boštjan 53 Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
41 Mr. SYED, Madani 56 University of Stuttgart Esslingen GERMANY              
42 Mr. NORTA, David Peter Benjamin 57 Universite du Luxembourg Luxembourg LUXEMBURG              
43 Mr. BIZJAN, Benjamin 59 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ljubljana Ljubljana SLOVENIA              
44 Dr. ROMEO, Michele 60 DSCF - Units Trieste ITALY              
45 Dr. KARUNAMURTHY, Bala 61 KAI kompetenzzentrum automobil und industrieelektronik gmbh Villach AUSTRIA              
46 PAVSIC, Marko 62 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
47 Mr. KALJUN, David 64 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
48 Mr. TELENTA, Marijo 63 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
49 Mr. SKOFIC, Jan 65 Iskra Mehanizmi   SLOVENIA              
50 Mr. MARKIC, Igor 66 Nela razvojni center d.o.o.   SLOVENIA              
51 Mr. SUBIC, Danilo 67 Iskra Mehanizmi   SLOVENIA              
52 Dr. GASPARIN, Lovrenc 68 Letrika d.d. slov SLOVENIA              
53 Mr. ERGAVER, Gregor 69 Letrika d.d.   SLOVENIA              
54 Mr. KOZINC, Domen 70 Letrika d.d.   SLOVENIA              
55 Mr. BAT, Blaz 71 Letrika d.d.   SLOVENIA              
56 Dr. KULOVEC, Simon 72 Podkrižnik d.o.o.   SLOVENIA              
57 Mr. DRESAR, Primoz 73 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
58 Dr. VIDRIH, Boris 74 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
59 Mr. LERMAN, Marko 75 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
60 Mr. JURJEVIC, Bostjan 76 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
61 Dr. JEROMEN, Andrej 77 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
62 Mr. VIHTELIC, Andrej 78 NA   SLOVENIA              
63 Mr. TEMENT, Marko 79 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
64 Mr. KUZNETSOV, Alexander 80 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
65 Mr. BAUMAN, Nejc 81 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
66 Mr. ZORKO, Damijan 82 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
67 Dr. KOVAC, Marko 83 Nela / Hidria Rotomatika   SLOVENIA              
68 Mr. LOTRIČ, Andrej 84 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana   SLOVENIA              
      Seats taken     46 44 21 34 47 45
      Seats available     -2 0 -3 10 -3 -1


Poster session will have a round tour on Monday 23rd and will be available for the following days on display:

1 SEVINÇ, Koray Ege University - Institute of Solar Energy TURKEY Active Boundary Layer Separation Control Techniques on an Airfoil Profile
5 Mr. POGACAR, Miha UL FS SLOVENIA ANSYS Fluent simulations of Turbulent Liquid Metal Flow in a triangular Rod Bundle Sub-Channel
23 Mr. JISA, Vasile Sergiu Rares Technical University of Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA Bellows Actuators
28 Mr. ZAPLETAL, Jan Dept. of Applied Mathematics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava CZECH REPUBLIC BEM Based Shape Optimization Using Shape Calculus and Multiresolution Analysis
59 Mr. BIZJAN, Benjamin Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Ljubljana SLOVENIA Fiberization process in mineral wool production
57 Mr. NORTA, David Peter Benjamin Université du Luxembourg LUXEMBURG Hydrokinetic turbines - contribution to a renewable energy supply
47 Mr. DRUSANY, Peter Soške Elektrarne Nova Gorica SLOVENIA If interest i can only present poster of hydro power plant
51 Mr. STEFE, Blaz Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA Influence of the winding and production techniques on the electric motor performance
13 Mr. ERŽEN, David Pipistrel d.o.o., AJdovščina SLOVENIA Method for linear modal aeroelastic analysis of an airplane
4 Mr. SEČ, David Facutly of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA Modelling of liquid crystals in confined geometries
61 Dr. KARUNAMURTHY, Bala KAI kompetenzzentrum automobil und industrieelektronik gmbh AUSTRIA Multi-scale Thermo-mechanical Chip Package Simulations
9 Mr. BEYERS, Lesley KU Leuven BELGIUM Multiscale simulation of reactive gas injection in high temperature metallurgy
60 Dr. ROMEO, Michele DSCF - Units ITALY Nitrogen and Carbon K-edge NEXAFS Spectra of Model Systems for C5H5N on Si(100) : a DFT Simulation
15 Mr. JABBARI, Masoud Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark DENMARK Numerical Modelling of Tape Casting for Ceramic Industries
16 Mr. MIKUŽ, Blaž Jožef Stefan Institute SLOVENIA OpenFOAM Simulations of the Turbulent Flow in a Rod Bundle with Mixing Vanes
14 Mr. ANDREJAŠIČ, Matej Pipistrel d.o.o. Ajdovščina SLOVENIA Optimization of aerodynamic surfaces using pressure based functionals
31 Mr. PAULUS, Evgenij Kolektor Etra d.o.o. SLOVENIA Poster will prepare coworker Blaž Janežič
58 Dr. GEORGIEV, Ivan Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BULGARIA Preconditioning of Non-Conforming FEM Systems
2 Mr. GOSAR, Žiga PhD student SLOVENIA Snap through of double layered shallow shell with hole on top
40 Dr. PEHNEC, Igor FESB -Split CROATIA Shape optimization of 3D scanned and parameterized objects
38 Dr. IPEK KÜSKÜ, semran İstanbul medeniyet university TURKEY the computational design of heusler | insulator interfaces
49 Mr. NOŽAK, Dejan Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana SLOVENIA Upwind sail aerodynamics: Assessment of turbulence models for America's Cup AC33 upwind sails



PRACE Autumn School 2013 - Industry Oriented HPC Simulations

from to (CET)
at University of Ljubljana ( Lecture room IV/2 and computing rooms II/5, III/1, N17 )

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Resolving Industrial Engineering Applications with HPC by ANSYS, optiSLang, AVBP, elsA, RBF morph, etc.
In today's competitive product development, high performance computing (HPC) delivers outstanding value and investment return. Parallel computing increases understanding, productivity and accuracy of the simulation - a faster turnaround, reduced costs, systematic design variations and more complex models.
The PRACE Autumn School communicates and discusses issues and perspectives of HPC targeting industrial applications arising from evaluation performance and/or design of products, e.g. equipment and processes, with a particular emphasis on the automotive, aerospace, and energy fields. The PRACE Autumn School places priority on algorithms, simulation strategies, and programming techniques for complex fluid flow simulations, structural mechanics and electro-magnetics which usually have coupled multiphysics requiring intensive use of HPC resources. In case of expertise and software availability, there will be presentations of other issues, e.g. robustness and performance analysis, a brief introduction to pre- and post-processing techniques, e.g. CAD integration, mesh generation and visualization are presented.
The PRACE Autumn School targets at (40-50) experienced industrial users and some academics. Case studies and hands-on tutorials will be carried on the ULFME cluster. The tutorials will be held in parallel and in subsequent sessions, depending on the applicants' interest indicated in the registration questionnaire.

Due to large interest in elsA and AVBP by ONERA - Le centre français de recherche aérospatiale and CERFACS - European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in Scientific Computation we are considering to extend this tutorials (from 3h30' to 5 hours hands-on) by including small turbine case. This means some time changes in Friday's session with little possibilities for sequential with RBF-Morph tutorials.

  Short URL:
  • Monday, 23 September 2013

    • 08:30 - 13:00 Registration, Coffee & Poster hanging ( Nearby lecture hall IV/2 )

       Attendees are required to show up and register themselves at the registration desk before the school starts in the afternoon and hang their poster before the introductory poster session at noon.

    • 09:00 - 11:30 HPC and parallel programming: Optional training

        This pre-training is optional and will be held if enough participants will register for it. It covers HPC architecture, schedulers and OpenMP and MPI hands on training.

      Location: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Computing rooms III/1, N17 and II/5 )
      • 09:00 HPC architectures and MPI, OpenMP programming hands-on 2h30'

          HPC architecture overview with examples of
        Parallel Programming with
        - distributed MPI,
        - shared OpenMP, and
        - hybrid MPI+OpenMP,
        memory models.

        Speaker: Dr. Leon Kos (University of Ljubljana)
    • 12:00 - 13:00 Posters ( Hall at the top of the building near the restaurant. )

             Attendees communicate their work and meet each other by presenting (past) posters.

    • 13:00 - 13:20 Opening and Welcome address 20' ( Lecture hall IV/2 )

        Welcome from University of Ljubljana as prace PRACE coordinator for Slovenia.
      Industry challenges  tackled with HPC and research targeted for products with simulations and optimizations that give concrete answers to many open questions.

      Speaker: Prof. Jožef Duhovnik (University of Ljubljana, PRACE coordinator for Slovenia)
    • 13:20 - 14:00 HPC – the Perspective of a CFD Practitioner 40' ( Lecture hall IV/2 )

       The lecture will address the trends of the relation between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which is a subsection of Simulation-Based Engineering Science, and High Performance Computing (HPC) applications.

      Speaker: Prof. Antonio C.M. Sousa (University of Aveiro and New Brunswick)
      Material: Paper pdf file
    • 14:00 - 15:00 Discover your design quicker as before with HPC 1h0' ( Lecture hall IV/2 )

        An overview over current technology, recent benchmark results from a user perspective, as well as new ways of calculating large models and extensive design variations will be presented.
      - High Performance Computing (HPC). approaches overview
      - Success stories from structural mechanics and electromagnetics
      - Overview of the solvers across all physics
      - Ongoing HPC initiatives

      Speaker: Alexander Dopf (CADFEM)
    • 15:00 - 19:00 Structural Mechanics: Best practices for efficient HPC performance with large models
      Location: Computing room II/5
      • 15:00 Hands On Training with HPC 1h30'

         Prerequisites: MPI – HP or Intel
        How to set up HPC: solver handler, number of CPUs, and DMP
        Handling of large models: DM Prep in v14.5; mechanical filters, tags and named selections

        Speaker: Dr. Bernhard Hössl (CADFEM)
      • 16:30 Break 15'
      • 16:45 Hands On Training with HPC (cont.) 2h15' ( Computing room II/5 )

         Mesh controls for large models: curvature and proximity
        How to cut analysis time: Proper contact and analysis settings
        Evaluation of results: results tracker; post command snippets; max tag adjust to visible

        Speaker: Dr. Bernhard Hössl (CADFEM)
  • Tuesday, 24 September 2013

    • 09:00 - 17:00 Structural Mechanics: Robust Design Optimization
      Location: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Computing room II/5 )
      • 09:00 Robust Design Optimization – from the idea to the optimized product 2h30'

        Motivation for parametric variations
        Parametric workflows
        Introduction into optiSLang
        Systematic variation using optiSLang
        a) Sensitivity Analysis and Metamodeling
        b) Tutorial: Sensitivity analysis of a notch

        Speaker: Andreas Veiz (CADFEM)
      • 11:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Restaurant at the top of the building )
      • 13:00 Sensitivity analysis of a notch (cont.) 4h0'

                 Getting started in design improvement:
        a) How to improve a design
        b) Tutorial: Improve the notch
        Typical Questions in postprocessing results
        Outlook: Efficient performance of extensive design variation

        Speaker: Andreas Veiz (CADFEM)
  • Wednesday, 25 September 2013

    • 09:00 - 17:00 Multiphysics: Electromechanical and Mechatronic Systems: Hands on with EM

             Maxwell and HFSS training

      • 09:00 EM Simulation Overview (tools and numerical methods) 1h0' ( Lecture hall IV/2 )
        Speaker: Jens Otto (CADFEM)
      • 10:00 Coffe break 15' ( Lecture room IV/2 and computing rooms II/5, III/1, N17 )

          Attendees reposition into Computing room for EM tutorials or continue with CFD lectures until lunch.

      • 10:15 EM Example 1: Position Sensor Design (Hall based) with Maxwell 3D 1h15' ( Computing room III/1 )
        Speaker: Jens Otto (CADFEM)
      • 11:30 Lunch break 1h30' ( Restaurant at the top of the building )
      • 13:00 EM Example 2: WLAN-Antenna Optimization with HFSS 1h30' ( Computing room III/1 )

          Problem Description
        Analysis Setup and Basic Simulation Results
        Design Optimization

        Speaker: Dr. Christian Römelsberger (CADFEM)
      • 14:30 Break 20' ( Lecture room IV/2 and computing rooms II/5, III/1, N17 )
      • 14:50 EM Example 3: Starter-Generator Design with Maxwell 3D/ Mechanical 1h40' ( Computing room III/1 )

          Problem Description
        Analysis Setup and Basic Simulation Results
        Efficency Calculation and Loss Assessment
        Temperature Evaluation

        Speaker: Jens Otto (CADFEM)
      • 16:30 EM: Summary and discussion 30'
        Speakers: Dr. Christian Römelsberger (CADFEM), Jens Otto (CADFEM)
    • 10:15 - 17:00 Computational Fluid Dynamics
      • 10:15 Sailing Yachts CFD 45' ( University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Lecture hall IV/2 ) )

         Case-history on the balance between computational costs & insight benefits obtained by using advanced CFD modeling (Delayed Detached Eddy Simulations vs Reynolds Averaged NS ) in sailing yachts aerodynamics

        Speaker: Dr. Raffaele Ponzini (CINECA)
      • 11:00 BIO-CFD Case-history 1h0'

          Wide range of haemodynamics CFD application is presented (medical implantable devices, blood filters, multi-scale-models,non-Newtonian rheology,...) to perform in silico health-care research and medical device design.
        The main expected benefits of the lecture+tutorial for attendants are:
          - enlarge their knowledge on state of art methods and algorithms;
          - apply best practices on state-of-the-art software deployment;
          - experience technical tips-and-tricks throughout the different phases of the tutorial;
          - learn from case history and practical applications told by CFD expert.

        Speaker: Dr. Raffaele Ponzini (CINECA)
      • 12:00 Lunch break 1h30' ( University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Restaurant at the top of the building ) )
      • 13:30 BIO-CFD Tutorial 3h0'

         a) Basic modeling using Fluent for carotid bifurcation (GUI in fluent for case setup from mesh import to first steady state, Newtonian simulation running; TUI and case journaling in Fluent for batch execution; post-processing in Fluent)
        b) Intermediate modeling using Fluent for carotid bifurcation haemodynamics (unsteady BC in Fluent; non-Newtonian custom models; multi-scale models coupling 3D and 0D in Fluent; customized post-processing)

        Speaker: Dr. Raffaele Ponzini (CINECA)
  • Thursday, 26 September 2013

    • 09:00 - 10:15 Examples of Solving Industrial Cases with Fluent 1h15'

         Several industrial cases will be presented, executed by SimTec or its customers with the aid of ANSYS Fluent general-purpose 3D CFD package. The examples are taken from industrial applications in SE Europe countries but emphasis will be given on the Slovenian cases. The applications cover the industry sectors of marine, constructions (HVAC), chemical, pharmaceutical, hydraulic, metal, power generation, amongst others. Each case presentation includes: (a) modelling targets, (b) description of the physical model, (c) results, (d) modelling conclusions.

      Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
    • 10:15 - 10:30 Coffee break
    • 10:30 - 15:00 Computational Fluid Dynamics: Express Introductory Training in Fluent
      Location: Computing room II/5
      • 10:30 Introduction to CFD 45'
        Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
      • 11:15 Fluent Workshop 1: Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer in a Mixing Tee 1h15'
        Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h0' ( University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Restaurant on top of the building ) )
      • 13:30 Boundary Conditions and Solver Settings (Convergence & Accuracy) 30'

          The presentation will cover and explain the basic steps of a CFD analysis. Important topics such as Boundary Conditions, Convergence of the solution and increasing the Accuracy of the results will be discussed in depth.

        Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
      • 14:00 Turbulence Modelling, Heat Transfer & Transient Calculations 30'

            As most flow problems exhibit turbulent nature and most engineering applications involve heat transfer, these two subjects will be covered. In addition, as many fluid flows are not steady-state phenomena, transient simulations and solution and relative issues like time step size will be discussed.

        Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
      • 14:30 Second Fluent workshop (hands on) 30'

              Each participant will choose 1 among 3 alternative workshops. These workshops will be formed after the list of participants is closed, in order to cover as much as possible application fields declared by the participants.

        Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
    • 15:00 - 18:00 High-Performance Computing with Fluent (hands-on) 3h0'

          An industrial CFD case will be executed as a workshop. The setup, solution and postprocessing will span through the first half of the session. The second half will be spent with experimentation of alternative solutions (e.g. changing BCs, material properties, mesh size, etc.) and discussion regarding best practices, error reduction and accuracy, tips and tricks, parallel computing efficiency, etc.

      Speaker: Dr. Dimitrios Sofialidis (SimTec)
  • Friday, 27 September 2013

    • 09:00 - 18:30 Computational Fluid Dynamics: Custom CFD codes and plugins
      Location: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia ( Computing rooms III/1, N17 )
      • 09:00 High Performance Computing of gas turbine flows: current and future trends 1h' ( Lecture hall IV/2 )

          Nicolas Gourdain presents elsA for aerodynamics used by many by industrial partners such as Airbus, SAFRAN, etc. and AVBP for combustion, used by SAFRAN, IFP, etc. 

        The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is mandatory today both for scientific investigation of complex flows and industrial design of gas turbines and aircraft. Further improvement and optimization of such systems currently present one of the most formidable challenges in modern engineering research due to the very stringent requirements for efficiency, pollutant emissions, reliability and safety. Efficient numerical tools coupled with high performance computers, have become a key element of the design process in the fields of energy supply and transportation. However flow phenomena that occur in complex systems such as gas turbines and aircrafts are still not understood mainly because of the models that are needed. In fact, most CFD predictions as found today in industry focus on a reduced or simplified version of the real system (such as a periodic sector) and are usually solved with a steady-state assumption. This course discusses how to overcome such barriers and how this challenges can be addressed by developing flow solvers running on high-end computing platforms, using concurrently thousands of computing cores. Parallel strategies used by modern flow solvers are presented with particular emphases on mesh-partitioning, load balancing and communication.

        Speaker: Dr. Nicolas Gourdain (CERFACS)
      • 10:00 RBF morph theory and applications case-history 45' ( Lecture room VI/2 )

          An overview about mesh morphing and its benefits will be given with a specific focus on Radial Basis Functions (RBF) methods and the industrial tool RBF Morph, currently available as an add-on for the CFD solver ANSYS Fluent.

        Standard applications of mesh morphing will be first explained; the tool is here used as an effective way to makes the original CFD model parametric with respect to the shape. Details on how such parametric models can be introduced in typical industrial workflow (shape or set-up optimization) will be given including CAD connection (STL targets and back to CAD) and flow sculpting (using adjoint solver of Fluent).
        Advanced applications will be covered as well including: fluid structure interaction using 2-ways FSI and modal superposition, ice/snow accretion modeling, transient morphing with desired time histories.

        Speaker: Prof. Marco Evangelos Biancolini ("Tor Vergata" University of Rome)
      • 10:45 Coffe break 15'
      • 11:00 RBF morph hands-on 1h30'

          The first session will cover basic exercises to set-up shape modifications on simple geometries (a cube immersed in a wind tunnel and a straight pipe). A step by step set-up will be demonstrated to gain confidence with the GUI of RBF Morph (set-up stage). An advanced session addressed to industrial meshes and complex set-up will follow. Pre computed set-up will be available so that the students can deepen their knowledge about advanced feature of RBF Morph for check trouble shooting the set-up (preview, mesh quality).

        Speaker: Prof. Marco Evangelos BIANCOLINI ("Tor Vergata" University of Rome)
      • 12:30 Lunch break 1h'
      • 13:30 Multi-block structured code (elsA) and an unstructured code (AVBP) hands-on 5h ( Computing room N17 )

          The aim will be to test some of the requirements presented in the course (such as mesh-partitioning and load balancing) to achieve high-scalability on massively parallel computers (maybe also on GPUs).

        Two examples are used to illustrate these concepts: a multi-block structured code (elsA) and an unstructured code (AVBP). Parallel computing strategies used with both flow solvers are detailed and compared. This comparison indicates that mesh-partitioning and load balancing are more straightforward with unstructured grids than with multi-block structured meshes. However, the mesh-partitioning stage can be challenging for unstructured grids, mainly due to memory limitations of the newly developed massively parallel architectures. Finally, detailed investigations show that the impact of mesh-partitioning on the numerical CFD solutions, due to rounding errors and block splitting, may be of importance and should be accurately addressed before qualifying massively parallel CFD tools for a routine industrial use.

        Speakers: Dr. Nicolas Gourdain (CERFACS), Dr. Michel Gazaix (ONERA)



Practical info

We will start with a pre-school training course at 9h in classroom II/5. You need to register before to obtain your account details for logging into workstation and supercomputer. Registration will be in front of lecture room IV/2.

We don't have enough parking places in front of the faculty. We suggest that you park at TobačnaMesto[1] that is cheap 0,5€/h and nearby with a car entrance from "Oranžova ulica". Other options are Parkirišče Ilirija[2] or Park&Ride Dolgi Most[3].

Catering during the breaks will be in front of II/5 each day. After pre-school training we will have a lunch and poster session on top of the faculty in front of the classrooms V/2 and V/5. Last minutes before 13h all participants are required to shou up there for a group photo. Then we will all go to IV/2 for school opening and introductory lectures. Hands-on training will continue at 3pm in computing room II/5. You may notice that computing rooms are slighgly overbooked. We will solve that by additional seats and ask people to work together.

You must be aware that II/5 is a large computing room with 44 workstations and this poseses a challenge for lecturers too. So, please follow instructions carefully as trainers will be unable to solve all your problems. Nevertheless, this is unique oportunity to ask and get answers from top experts in the field. So be prepared to ask questions of general interest. All lectures will be recorded for web portals[4,5]. You will not appear on the camera unless accidentaly. As there will be no amplifier and considering computers noise we ask participants to keep silence.

There is no need to bring your laptops. As nowadays everybody requires WiFi connectivity we are providing FS-GUEST SSID with the following pasword valid for the next week kMWeT24tYE

[2] Tržaška cesta 40

PDF icon poster.pdf11.16 MB
PDF icon zlozenka_PRACE-slo.pdf1.77 MB